Category Archives: Customer retention

Now available: For Love or Money™ 2021 (Australia and New Zealand) customer loyalty and loyalty program research

Our latest research - For Love or Money™​ 2021 - is now available and this year we are starting with releasing two reports: 1. Now available for Australia:The 2021 and 9th edition of the annual Australian consumer research study - tracking changes in the Australian loyalty program landscape and building on trends and insights revealed in previous studies. 2. Now available for New Zealand:The 2021…
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Do you really need a loyalty program?

Do you really need a loyalty program?
If your answer is YES, read further to add value to your decision.If your answer is NO, don’t read further (unless you want to open your mind to the possibilities).If the answer is NOT SURE, read further to add insights to your decision-making process. If you are reading further (this is a long(ish) article), here…
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