Category Archives: Customer retention

Loyalty program ‘Troubles and Trends’ for 2025 (with six actions)

Loyalty program ‘Troubles and Trends’ for 2025
As we move into 2025, the loyalty program landscape presents both notable troubles to tackle and emerging trends to harness. Understanding and addressing these dynamics is essential for creating loyalty programs that are profitable and sustainable for your business and meaningful and desirable for your members. Troubles There are many and varied. Here are three…
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More GenAIJoy from Joyalty* Moments of Magic

The new loyalty program is a Joyalty*Program
Thank you for the Joyalty* Moments of Magic created by the audio of my joy full paper ‘The new Loyalty Program is a Joyalty* Program’. The 49 page paper with the eight planning principles and many use cases on Joyalty* Moments of Magic is now a 12 minute audio with the hosts delightfully discussing the…
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