To simplify your loyalty and rewards program take a look at the terms and conditions

As I continue on the quest to simplify customer loyalty and rewards programs, I often find that the length and wordiness of a program’s terms and conditions is an indication of its simplicity – or not!

I understand the need for loyalty programs to have various terms, conditions and rules of engagement, however if there are too many and they are too wordy or tricky, that’s a sign of a program’s complexity.

Start with a word count

It was quite an eye-opener when I completed a word count on the terms and conditions (as at 6 Feb 2017) for the top 10 loyalty programs (unprompted) from the research study ‘for love or money 2016’.

PLEASE NOTE: (my terms and conditions!!)

• Actual number of words may vary by + or – 10%, depending on how you allocate Microsoft Word© word count tool)

• This analysis is only a quantitative assessment ie purely number of words and is not comparative (program vs program) as every program is different in their purpose, promise and structure (points, cash-back, discount, tiered, pay to join, coalition etc).

• It is also not a qualitative assessment ie what’s actually in the terms and conditions that can impact loyalty eg expiry of benefits and confusing legal statements.

It is more of a call-out to all loyalty program managers of both existing and new programs to take a look at their terms and conditions and see if they can be simplified – be it in volume or quality.

Here’s the word-count list with relevant links

1. Flybuys (membership and rewards) = 2653 words

2. Woolworths Rewards = 6646 words (updated 19 Dec)

3. Qantas Frequent Flyer = 20035 words

(effective 1 February 2017) and excludes earning tables

4. Virgin velocity = 26775 words

5. MYER One = 4931 (updated January 2017)

6. Priceline Sisterclub = 3036 words

7. Commbank Awards = 8757 (7 September 2015) (excludes partners t&c and credit card t&cs)

8. Boost Vibe Club = 1068

(Vibe Club and Mobile Ordering)

9. Petbarn Friends for Life = 2464

10. Optus Perks = 4402

(2933 Optus Perks T&C’s +1469 for Perks offers T&C’s (effective 1 February 2016)

So, as you continue to simplify your customer loyalty and rewards program, take a look at your terms and conditions and see if you can simplify them or maybe it’s the other way round – simplify your program!

Have happy loyalty day, that’s simply rewarding